GRC component is very important in our life. GRC components are usually installed outdoors and exposed to wind and rain, which leads to a variety of bad situations. The reason is that the evaporation of water in GRC affects the strength of GRC components. What factors should be considered for the general requirements of GRC components? The GRC component manufacturer will tell you.
After a GRC component is installed, waterproof coating or paint is used for component maintenance. This is mainly to avoid water evaporation. On the other hand, it is also to prevent contact with the air, so as to form rust on the internal reinforcement and lose use. Of course, the coating will be weathered after a period of time, so it is necessary to brush again.
Clean regularly. After a period of use, there will be a lot of stains on the surface of this component. We can use the high pressure water gun with less than 80 pressure to clean, but the strength should not be too high, otherwise the parts will be damaged. Special attention should be paid to the requirement of regular cleaning;

Prevent direct sunlight. If it is outdoor GRC components, it is necessary to take corresponding sunscreen measures, such as covering or brushing the corresponding sunscreen material, to prevent direct sunlight, which can well extend its service life. Of course, but if it is indoor GRC components, also need waterproof coating.
Therefore, we need to take effective maintenance methods and increase the strength appropriately to facilitate demoulding and handling, so as to design the strength, limit the shrinkage and avoid cracking. Curing can stop cementation and enhance strength and cohesiveness. It needs to greatly reduce volume loss, shrinkage and possible cracking. In order to control the loss of water, simply speaking, make-up water is the basis of solidification, and temperature control is also added. Before and after demoulding, the mold is usually wrapped with clean and good quality polyethylene film, which is also to avoid the influence of moisture evaporation and wind in GRC, and also to adhere moisture and heat transfer. In addition, at the early stage of maintenance, GRC members should have sufficient strength to prevent damage during demoulding and handling. Especially in some areas, it is required to stop heating GRC components to keep the temperature above 15 ℃.
GRC components have the characteristics of high strength, high toughness, low absorption rate, green environmental protection, not easy to fade, low cost, light weight and so on. It has the same service life as the main building. It has made a great contribution to beautify the building environment and has become a very popular decoration material in the construction industry.