Compared with concrete products, GRC products have thin components, light weight, high strength, high toughness, good impact resistance, uniform fiber distribution, good cracking, simple fabrication, rich modeling, and wide applications. Xiao Bian reminds you that there are four points to pay more attention to the exterior wall decorative surface of Shandong GRC component!
one o'clock:
The cracks between GRC products after installation mostly occur between GRC component joints with large vertical and horizontal lengths, resulting in obvious line segmentation, which seriously affects the exterior decoration effect. GRC product lines are mostly made into 1.5~3m/piece in exterior decoration, and are installed together through multiple connections to outline the exterior wall effect.
On the one hand, due to heavy self weight, the force is uneven during installation, and cracks occur between adjacent joints due to the influence of self weight; On the other hand, the lines are connected by multiple connections during installation, and the joints are filled with 1:2 cement mortar during construction. The thermal expansion coefficient is different from that of GRC cement products. Causing cracks; When installing GRC members, especially the horizontal line, there is no expansion joint left. When the temperature changes, the joint is pulled or extruded, causing cracks.
Two points:
Rust cracks along the direction of reinforcement occur at the position where GRC cement components are embedded in the steel frame. The embedded steel frame reinforcement and embedded materials in GRC components shall be galvanized steel bars or stainless steel bars, or other anti rust treatment shall be used to avoid corrosion cracks and eliminate safety hazards.

Three points:
Water seepage of GRC components and wall pollution After the installation and use of the color GRC components of the exterior wall, especially when it rains on the horizontal line, the rainwater on the line also flows to the wall, and the ash on the line is carried to the exterior wall. Dirt is formed on the exterior wall, which seriously pollutes the wall and affects the appearance of the building.
Main causes of the disease:
First, the wall painting layer at the installation line of the old building was not chiseled out during the installation of the line, or the new building was painted first, then the line was installed, and then the joint was filled;
Second, because the horizontal line or the opening of the column top cover is not sloped and there is no drip line, the rainwater enters the line from the line, flows out from the line or flows to the exterior wall along the line, causing wall pollution.
four o'clock:
The common safety problem of GRC component installation When GRC component is installed on the external wall, generally according to the installation drawing provided by the manufacturer, 8~10 ordinary expansion bolts are installed on the external wall, 6 steel bars are welded with the embedded steel bars, or the decorative bulges and window tops are directly fixed on the wall with expansion bolts.
The installation method of the above PU line is generally spot welding during construction. The length of the weld does not meet the requirements. After the expansion bolt hits the wall, it is easy to hit the brick joint, which does not work, and does not meet the requirements of the construction specifications. This has brought hidden dangers to the installation of GRC components. Come to our website for more information http://www.aswjc.com Consult!