一:鹅卵石镜面不锈钢雕像制造流程:鹅卵石镜面不锈钢雕像平凡采纳304不锈钢 2mm或4mm板材锻造,格式形状可根据需求定制,外表可有镜面、拉丝、彩色等。
1: Manufacturing process of pebble mirror stainless steel statue: the pebble mirror stainless steel statue is forged with 304 stainless steel 2mm or 4mm plate. The format and shape can be customized according to needs, and the appearance can have mirror, wire drawing, color, etc.
First, it is necessary to produce foam moulds according to the needs of cobblestone shapes, and to divide the area into foam foam.
Two), after the foam mould is identified, the manual plasma cutting is used.
3) After cutting, the forging structure is formed, and the splicing is carried out after burning and welding:

4) After repair welding, polish and polish. First dissolve these salts in the aqueous solution dissolved in starch, soak the stainless steel to be polished in this solution to make its surface adhere to a starch layer dissolved in the above salts, and then immerse the data to be polished in sulfuric acid solution for chemical polishing within an appropriate temperature range. Under daily conditions, when the solution reveals green, The polishing process is complete.
2: Polishing method of pebble mirror stainless steel statue:
1) : clean all stains and adhesions on the surface of stainless steel, and apply professional degreasing agent.
2) : pickling the oxidized fur on the surface of stainless steel with pickling agent, such as the black carbon left after high-temperature cooking, and the mirror stainless steel pebble statue processed through high-pressure stamping forming and bending machine, it is also necessary to pickling with pickling solution.
3) : after pickling, the pickling agent liquid on the surface of the mirror stainless steel pebble statue is washed with clean water.
四):用专用的不锈钢镜面抛光剂侵泡30分钟以上,镜面成效出来了 就能够把镜面不锈钢鹅卵石雕像拿出来了。
4) : soak with special stainless steel mirror polishing agent for more than 30 minutes. When the mirror effect comes out, the stainless steel pebble statue can be taken out.
5) : after washing the mirror stainless steel pebble statue with clean water, and then washing it with pure water, it can be dried and cooked.