Many users are consulting the price of relief sculpture what is the budget? How much does it cost to order a relief sculpture? And so on. In fact, it depends on the style and diameter of the relief sculpture, the number of layers and many other factors. Let's make a brief estimate.
When considering price relief sculpture, want to consider relief sculpture modelling, different modelling will have different specifications in the quotation, from the perspective of the relief sculpture of today, ordinary is using double, three layers of design, but different occasions for modelling of relief sculpture will have different requirements, will consider increasing the layer is not necessarily of relief sculpture.
So before the design, we should contact the relief sculpture manufacturer, communicate and exchange our carving ideas with the carving personnel, they will give the corresponding quotation according to the actual carving modeling, you can consider the price of different modeling to determine their choice.
In price relief sculpture, all kinds of materials are to be considered, the vast stone is a part of the price, of course, the stone material of choice many offers on the market, required size of the relief sculpture sculpture, on the stone tonnage will also vary, at the time of actual budget price shall take into account the need to how much stone material, have a basic understanding.

, of course, in addition to the stone material, there are some wire, cement, paint, lighting, etc., as well as in processing also need to consider the cost of equipment, overall listing a fee quotation, thus better able to participate in the actual relief sculpture carvings in the budget price, to be able to have such a price, the basis of the actual time is not easy to be KengPian purchased materials.
Shandong manufacturers think relief sculpture carving personnel of the cost of technology, with its own carving experience also has a direct connection, like some experience, good sculpture carving master of sculpture cost is more expensive, and choose new carving master, although the prices are more affordable, but after all, less atmospheric engraving effect, will be wanting.
Of course, in the actual selection of relief sculpture, it is necessary to consider the cost of various materials for relief sculpture according to their own needs. Of course, appropriate communication with engraving manufacturers can also reduce some of the costs. Still don't understand can come to the website www.aswjc.com to consult us at any time.