Because the quality of GRC components will be tested by time on the one hand and eroded by the service environment on the other hand, GRC components must have durability.

1、抗渗性:是指压力水通过其内部的能力。如果抗渗性差,则易使GRC构件中的钢筋锈蚀,影响构件的使用寿命。影响抗渗性的因素主要有水泥的品种、用量、石子粒径大小 和级配。水灰比的大小以及GRC构件密实程度。
1. Impermeability: refers to the ability of pressurized water to pass through its interior. If the impermeability is poor, it is easy to rust the reinforcement in GRC members and affect the service life of members. The main factors affecting the impermeability are the variety and dosage of cement, stone particle size and gradation. The water cement ratio and the compactness of GRC components.
2、抗冻性:是GRC构件在饱和水状态下遭受冰冻时抵抗冰冻破 坏的能力。这是因为GRC构件内部存在着许多连通的或不连通的孔 隙,这些孔隙成为水分的通道和贮水库,当GRC构件处于饱和水状 态下受到冰冻。内部水分冻结,体积可膨胀8%,导致孔隙胀大并 能产生拉应力。所以经过融化、冻结反复循环,就可能在拉应力超过GRC构件的抗拉强度时,开始产生徽裂缝并不断扩展和裂缝连 结。后使GRC构件开裂而破坏。
2. Frost resistance: it refers to the ability of GRC members to resist freezing damage when they are frozen in saturated water. This is because there are many connected or disconnected pores in GRC members, which become water channels and reservoirs. When GRC members are in saturated water state, they are frozen. The internal water is frozen, and the volume can expand by 8%, resulting in pore expansion and tensile stress. Therefore, after repeated cycles of melting and freezing, cracks may begin to occur and continue to expand and connect with cracks when the tensile stress exceeds the tensile strength of GRC members. Finally, GRC members are cracked and damaged.
3、耐蚀性:是指GRC构件在使用环境中,GRC构件抵抗外界 侵蚀介质腐蚀的能力。如抵抗酸、盐类化学介质的侵蚀,碱骨料 反应和碳化等。这些介质的侵蚀均可使GRC构件的强度降低,或破坏GRC构件结构体积,影响使用寿命。
3. Corrosion resistance: refers to the ability of GRC components to resist the corrosion of external corrosive media in the service environment. Such as resisting the erosion of acid and salt chemical media, alkali aggregate reaction and carbonization, etc. The erosion of these media can reduce the strength of GRC components, or destroy the structural volume of GRC components and affect the service life.